Sunday, February 15, 2009


Whenever I hear or read about people doing things to conserve energy, or save the planet or preserve our natural resources I just want to run away. Honestly, I am rather a rebel in this area. :) I am a saver rather than a spender, but the whole idea of being "green" repulses me. I think a lot of it is that it is so hip and trendy and the thing to do. If anything is "in" I usually run the opposite direction because I hate hype. :) There is also the whole aspect that being "green" doesn't really help as much as people think it does. Prove that to me and maybe I will think about it. :) If you really want to convince me of anything, give me credible statistics over an extended period of time (long enough that its not just hype but is proven fact) and you've got a good shot of persuading me. :)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

3 Oh

I turn 30 this year. My life is not what I thot it would be. Actually I stopped planning long ago so I don't even know what I was expecting. But I do know I was supposed to be married by now. I was supposed to have a baby or two by now. Even having a boyfriend, or a possible boyfriend, would be nice at this point. I don't know why it's not happening, but it hurts.

But even in my hurt I don't want to ever forget how I am feeling right now. I know I am in this place for a reason. I want to be able, once I am married (God-willing), to offer hope and counsel for other older singles who I come in contact with. I want to be there for them just as I have had people be there for me. I think that is my passion.

If I can help just one person who is going thru similar struggles that I went thru then I will be happy. :)

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Window to My Heart

For Today… December 20, 2008

Outside my Window...
The ground is covered with many inches of snow, which I am already getting quite sick of. Spending 10 hrs in the car yesterday going to a family Christmas gathering (and most of it driving in the storm that came through) makes me want to hibernate until spring.

I am thankful for...
My family. There is no one else I'd rather be stuck in the car for hours on end with other than my family members. :)

I am wearing...
A green, long-sleeve shirt with jeans and socks (which would not be worn if it was hot).

I am reading...
I took along my favorite fun reading book yesterday. If you have not read any of the James Herriott series, you need to. :) He was a country vet in England in the 1930's and he writes about all the adventures he had. Very funny!

I am praying...
A co-worker and family who is having a difficult time this Christmas. Also, my brother and sister-in-law in OK for 2 weeks.

I am hearing...
Christmas music on the roommate making lunch...

Around the house...
Things are still rather unorganized from getting our new kitchen cabinets (they are AWESOME!). Everything is still in the living room. Tomorrow the exterminator is coming since other apartments have had roaches in them! Yuck! So all items must be removed from all closets, and cabinets. Lovely! I cant wait for January when things will be normal (hopefully).

A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week...
I can't WAIT for Christmas! I love holidays...not having to work, having family around, getting to make more memories...

Here is a picture thought I am sharing with you...Hope you have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!

Substantial Flummadiddles

I am attempting to inject a little levity into this blog as it reflects my too often serious self. :) We shall see how it goes.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Paths Unknown

Have you ever noticed how at certain times in your life you make a sequence of decisions that, had you changed just one, would have led you down a totally different path? Or it just may have taken you longer to get to the place you are presently.

There have been several of these situations in my life. I am amazed when I look back and try to figure out how I made various choices. A couple different options were possible, but it's hard to know what made me choose one over the others. The only thing I can think of is that it was God.

God does not always show up clearly in every situation, but He is there if you listen. I believe sometimes He shows Himself in "gut feelings" too. It is so good to know that if we are faithful, He is faithful.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pictures Describe Me

I found this on a friend's blog and thot it would be fun to do. :)

Here’s how it works:
a. Type your answer to each of the questions below into Flickr Search.
b. Using only the first page, pick an image.
c. Copy and paste each of the URLs for the images into mosaic maker. Choose 3 columns with 4 rows.

The Questions:

1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your favorite animal.

my answers: 1. andrea 2. italian food 3. homeschooled 4. red 5. heath ledger 6. juice 7. europe 8. chocolate 9. wife/mother 10. family 11. sophisticated 12. dog

Monday, June 2, 2008

"The trial that you are facing today is not too big for God to handle. As a matter of fact, being the loving parent that He is, He may be rescuing you from certain death. Believe Him … Trust Him … Love Him despite your circumstances. Someday you will look back on this time and see His hand was there all along." - Luann Prater

This quote especially spoke to me today. We often look only at our struggles and forget about God. We think our struggles are too big to conquer on our own...and they are. But God will make us MORE the conquerors, if we trust in Him. So often I look at what I THINK I can do and don't believe what God SAYS He will do. Oh for Grace to trust Him more!